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At PRANA we believe in enhancing your NATURAL BEAUTY, not changing it.


We use our treatments to guide you in finding your internal PEACE while appreciating your external APPEARANCE.  


We offer products that we are PASSIONATE about.  This passion comes from using the products on ourselves and years of proven results with our clients.


To achieve the BEST results possible, you need to have BALANCE, which means: Properly feeding yourself NUTRITIONally, taking time to RELAX, REST and RECOVER, finding HAPPINESS and POSITIVITY in yourself and your surroundings, feeling SAFE, COMFORTable and PEACEful, moving your body to strengthen, circulate and ENERGIZE.


Treating your skin with the same LOVE and RESPECT is essential.  Giving the skin a workout with the proper treatments to help HEAL sensitivities, REBUILD loss of tone, SMOOTH lines, and rough texture are all part of the journey to achieving that PRANA GLOW. 

Skincare is not just slathering on any old cream and calling it a day. It is called SKIN CARE for a reason. You need to take CARE of the largest organ that covers your entire body. 

When you apply products, you are virtually FEEDING EVERY CELL that we are made up of. You are feeding the new cells that are constantly being produced. Please keep your cells HEALTHY; non-toxic products are a must. 


Most drugstore/department store products are full of fillers and toxic ingredients. Most contain Petrollium - which is what we put in our cars! Cancer rates are higher than ever; these toxic ingredients are taking a toll.


Those products also do not offer any BENEFITS to the skin, and most are the cause of skin conditions people suffer from, such as sensitivities, acne, puffiness, etc. 


We understand that SKINCARE can be confusing; STOP reading labels and wasting money. WE ARE HERE to educate and HELP you with this process.


Proper SKIN CARE is an INVESTMENT because it works, it HEALS, it CORRECTS, and you actually notice RESULTS.

COME SEE US to start your SELF-CARE routine of HEALTHY products. Let us help you create a plan in REACHing your GOALS to FEEL and LOOK your best while being CONCIOUS of what you are applying and its effects on your HEALTH.

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