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Gentle Waxing

Threading & Tint Options



Treat yourself to our relaxing gentle yet effective facial waxing or threading.  For the eyebrows we cleanse, trim and shape and powder. Tint can be applied for more definition, usually lasting 4 weeks.  We can work with you on correcting and addressing concerns discussing the best options for you.





Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Treatment


Microblading is a semi-permenant treatment for the eyebrows.  It is a service where we can create, define or correct the brows.   It is a very natural look that mimics the actual hairs of an eyebrow.  It is a type of eyebrow architecture, all about creating the best shape for each face – a totally bespoke approach for each client.


The process is very precise thanks to the tool that is used which is effectively like a pen with the nib being a sloped blade with little needles at the end - needles that don’t penetrate the skin but just delicately scratch the surface, much like a paper cut. 


The needle very finely implants featherweight strokes with a medical grade pigment on the skin, creating fine, realistic and natural hair strokes.



Before the service begins we do a detailed consultation with you discussing your concerns and explaining the process with you.  Numbing gel is applied and paperwork completed.  Measurements are done prior to starting, we will hand you a mirror to discuss the shape and what to expect.  We will go over the aftercare with you, healing time is 10-14 days.  There is a follow up appointment at 5 weeks for a touch up to perfect the lines and complete the process.  Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years before a touch up is needed, times vary depending on the individual.




Thinking about having microblading?  Here are some tips before having the service.


1) Have realistic expectations: Microblading is a process that requires at least two services to build an eyebrow.


2) The aftercare we suggest will help heal the brows and is very important that you follow the directions closely.  This is a service that you are investing in and want the best results.  


3) Immediately after the first service the brows will seem darker than what some may be used to.  By day three brows will be starting to heal and may look darker.  This is normal no need to panic.  The brows will not stay that dark.  Usually by day 5-14 there may be some flaking that occurs.  Areas may seem patchy/light.  After 14 days the brows will look quite light compared to what you have just seen for the last two weeks.  There may be spots that look like they have lost the pigment.   You may apply pencil as needed, this is perfectly normal and by 4-5 weeks the brows will start to darken slightly again.  We can not touch up the eyebrows before 5 weeks, so anytime after that we will schedule a follow up appointment where we fix up anything that has faded or address any other concerns.  


4) Some people may require an additional touch up as the pigment is placed superficially in the skin and everyone heals differently.  Once  the brows heal they are a soft natural look.  Clients wanting a dark dramatic eyebrow will need numerous applications but may never be as dark as the makeup that they are used too.  


5) Touch ups after the service is complete are at an added cost and only recommended at most once a year if needed.


6)   Causes of fading are:  The amount of oil in the skin, or the amount of oil in a product that is applied to the skin and is causing the area to fade.  Sun exposure, exfoliating products, health conditions such as anemia, previous tattoo under treated area, sleeping on side. 


7)  Once clients have their eyebrows microbladed they ALWAYS say that it was the best thing that they have ever done for themselves and they don't know why they waited so long to have it done!




Before the service we will confirm that you are not pregnant, breastfeeding, have any healing issues, diabetess, keloid scars, on Accutane,  have cancer or currently having treatments.   


You will need to avoid these items at least  24 hours prior:

Alcohol, aspirin, blood thinners, omega oils, magnesium.  If you are using retinol or other topicals please stop use at least one week prior.  It is recommended to wait 1-2 weeks after having botox.  

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